Infraland is Born!

In response to the growing need for low carbon infrastructure, renewed vigour in the renewable energy markets and the UK’s commitment to net zero carbon emissions by 2050, Infraland has been formed. It will use a team of experienced professionals to link investment with high quality development projects. In addition to traditional renewable energy schemes such as solar farms, Infraland will focus on grid enabling technology, such as energy storage and peak power generation. This is required to bridge the viability gap between the current energy market and a future grid powered entirely by renewables.

New technology and the way we use it will also be important for a low carbon, high tech economy and Infraland will play a role here in delivering sites and investment in areas such as electrical vehicle charging, edge data centers and low carbon housing.

The net zero target will require significant investment and changes to economies, not only in the UK but across Europe as similar targets are set in other states. This will create opportunities in the markets Infraland operates in for real estate owners, developers and investors to play a role in a low carbon future.