Solar PV

Solar photovoltaic, or solar PV as it is commonly referred to, is the world’s fastest growing renewable technology. The solar panels harness energy from the sun with the solar cells producing Direct Current (DC) electricity. This DC flows into an inverter, which then converts the DC into Alternating Current (AC), which is then used throughout the UK in our homes and businesses.

Solar PV power generation has long been seen as a clean energy technology which draws upon the planet's most plentiful and widely distributed renewable energy source – the sun.

The development of solar farms helps promote biodiversity at a time where many wildlife species are under threat and in decline. Solar farms are mostly isolated from human impact, as well as causing less than 5% disturbance to the ground allowing the remainder of the land to be used for plant growth and wildlife regeneration including new hedgerows, field margins and wildflower meadows.


  1. Site review using bespoke inhouse Geographic Information System (GIS) platform

  2. Contact landowners with viable sites by post allowing landowners to contemplate the proposal in their own time before contacting Infraland to discuss the opportunity further

  3. Infrastructure review

  4. Agree Heads of Terms

  5. Complete Option to Lease

  6. Prepare and submit planning application

  7. Construction

  8. Operation

What’s currently in development…

  • 17MW wind turbines

  • 450 MW ground mounted solar

  • 1,000 MW battery storage

  • 7.6MW commercial rooftop solar

  • 134MW low carbon flexible generation assets